site.btaTemenuzhka Petkova for Finance Minister

Born in Sofia on January 18, 1967. Holds a master's degree in Accountancy and Control from Sofia's University of National and World Economy. Trained in public sector internal sector at Ireland's and Britain's Exchequers and in public financial inspection at Portugal's Finance Ministry. Worked as financial auditor and financial expert for Sofia Municipality. State internal auditor and head of department at the Public Financial Inspection Agency (PFIA) (1992-2000). PFIA Director (2010-2013).
Deputy finance minister in Georgi Bliznashki's caretaker cabinet (August-November 2014) in charge of Finance Ministry's Tax Policy and Internal Control Directorates, National Revenue Agency, National Customs Agency, Public Financial Inspection Agency and State Gambling Commission. Minister of energy (2014-2017 and 2017-2021).
MP of GERB in the 44th, 45th, 46th, 47th, 48th, 49th, 50th and 51st National Assemblies (2017-2024).