
site.btaGreenhouse Gas Emissions in Bulgaria Reduced by 37.4% in 2013-2023 Period

Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Bulgaria Reduced by 37.4% in 2013-2023 Period
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Bulgaria Reduced by 37.4% in 2013-2023 Period
Greenhouse gas emissions in the EU, 2013 and 2023 (Eurostat Chart)

The greenhouse gas emissions intensity in Bulgaria decreased by 37.4% between 2013 and 2023, according to estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, released on Monday.

In 2023, the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions by economic activities and households totalled 3.4 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalents. This represents a 7% decrease compared with 2022 and 18% reduction compared with 2013.

Between 2013 and 2023, producers in almost all economic activities reduced their greenhouse gas emissions. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply achieved the sharpest rate of decline and the largest overall decrease, with a 43% drop (448 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents). During this period, 3 other economic activities also recorded double digit reductions: mining and quarrying (-25%, 18 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents), services (-20%, 54 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents), and manufacturing (-17%, 142 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents), Eurostat reported.

The only economic activity with more emissions was transportation and storage, with a 14% increase in 2023 compared with 2013.

The largest reductions in emissions intensity were recorded in Estonia (-61%), Ireland (-50%) and Slovenia (-41%). By contrast, Austria (-17%), Lithuania (-17%), and Luxembourg (-19%) made moderate reductions in the greenhouse gas emissions intensity.




By 10:43 on 11.02.2025 Today`s news

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