site.btaLandscape Paintings by Evgeni Nedev to Be Displayed in Sofia

Landscape Paintings by Evgeni Nedev to Be Displayed in Sofia
Landscape Paintings by Evgeni Nedev to Be Displayed in Sofia
A landscape painting by Evgeni Nedev (Union of Bulgarian Artists Image)

An exhibition by Bulgarian landscape painter Evgeni Nedev will be on display at the building of the Union of Bulgarian Artists in Sofia between December 12 and January 16, 2025, the organizers of the event said.

Commenting on Nedev’s artworks, Stanislav Goncharov, curator of the Hristo Tsokev Art Gallery in Gabrovo, said: "The landscape represents an attempt by artist Evgeni Nedev to understand space, its laws, time frames, and to come closer to understanding the universal meanings inherent in nature. Whether it is a nook in wild nature or a part of a big city, in his landscapes there are no actors other than the landscape itself", says Stanislav Goncharov, curator of the Hristo Tsokev Art Gallery - Gabrovo.

Evgeni Nedev was born in Gabrovo in 1984. He graduated in Iconography at the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo and holds a master’s degree in art management from the Prof. Asen Diamandiev Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts of Plovdiv. Since 2012, Nedev is Director of the Hristo Tsokev Art Gallery in Gabrovo. His focus is on classical painting.







By 17:06 on 15.01.2025 Today`s news

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