Day 109: RSV 421 Reaches Spanish Port City of Cartagena

Day 109: RSV 421 Reaches Spanish Port City of Cartagena
Cartagena (14.04.2023) Shortly before 1:00 pm central European time on Friday, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) reached the Spanish port of city of Cartagena. Cartagena is RSV 421's intermediary stop on its journey back to Varna after its participation in the 31st Bulgarian Antarctic expedition on Livingston Island. The Bulgarian ship was met by a local maritime pilot that helped it maneuver through the port's bay and lighthouses to its designated lace in the local naval base, where RSV 421 was docked with the help of port workers. Photo: Konstantin Karagyozov / BTA

Day 109: RSV 421 Reaches Spanish Port City of Cartagena
Cartagena (14.04.2023) Shortly before 1:00 pm central European time on Friday, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) reached the Spanish port of city of Cartagena. Cartagena is RSV 421's intermediary stop on its journey back to Varna after its participation in the 31st Bulgarian Antarctic expedition on Livingston Island. The Bulgarian ship was met by a local maritime pilot that helped it maneuver through the port's bay and lighthouses to its designated lace in the local naval base, where RSV 421 was docked with the help of port workers. Photo: Konstantin Karagyozov / BTA

Day 109: RSV 421 Reaches Spanish Port City of Cartagena
Cartagena (14.04.2023) Shortly before 1:00 pm central European time on Friday, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) reached the Spanish port of city of Cartagena. Cartagena is RSV 421's intermediary stop on its journey back to Varna after its participation in the 31st Bulgarian Antarctic expedition on Livingston Island. The Bulgarian ship was met by a local maritime pilot that helped it maneuver through the port's bay and lighthouses to its designated lace in the local naval base, where RSV 421 was docked with the help of port workers. Photo: Konstantin Karagyozov / BTA

Day 109: RSV 421 Reaches Spanish Port City of Cartagena
Cartagena (14.04.2023) Shortly before 1:00 pm central European time on Friday, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) reached the Spanish port of city of Cartagena. Cartagena is RSV 421's intermediary stop on its journey back to Varna after its participation in the 31st Bulgarian Antarctic expedition on Livingston Island. The Bulgarian ship was met by a local maritime pilot that helped it maneuver through the port's bay and lighthouses to its designated lace in the local naval base, where RSV 421 was docked with the help of port workers. Photo: Konstantin Karagyozov / BTA

Day 109: RSV 421 Reaches Spanish Port City of Cartagena
Cartagena (14.04.2023) Shortly before 1:00 pm central European time on Friday, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) reached the Spanish port of city of Cartagena. Cartagena is RSV 421's intermediary stop on its journey back to Varna after its participation in the 31st Bulgarian Antarctic expedition on Livingston Island. The Bulgarian ship was met by a local maritime pilot that helped it maneuver through the port's bay and lighthouses to its designated lace in the local naval base, where RSV 421 was docked with the help of port workers. Photo: Konstantin Karagyozov / BTA

Day 109: RSV 421 Reaches Spanish Port City of Cartagena
Cartagena (14.04.2023) Shortly before 1:00 pm central European time on Friday, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) reached the Spanish port of city of Cartagena. Cartagena is RSV 421's intermediary stop on its journey back to Varna after its participation in the 31st Bulgarian Antarctic expedition on Livingston Island. The Bulgarian ship was met by a local maritime pilot that helped it maneuver through the port's bay and lighthouses to its designated lace in the local naval base, where RSV 421 was docked with the help of port workers. Photo: Konstantin Karagyozov / BTA

Day 109: RSV 421 Reaches Spanish Port City of Cartagena
Cartagena (14.04.2023) Shortly before 1:00 pm central European time on Friday, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) reached the Spanish port of city of Cartagena. Cartagena is RSV 421's intermediary stop on its journey back to Varna after its participation in the 31st Bulgarian Antarctic expedition on Livingston Island. The Bulgarian ship was met by a local maritime pilot that helped it maneuver through the port's bay and lighthouses to its designated lace in the local naval base, where RSV 421 was docked with the help of port workers. Photo: Konstantin Karagyozov / BTA

Day 109: RSV 421 Reaches Spanish Port City of Cartagena
Cartagena (14.04.2023) Shortly before 1:00 pm central European time on Friday, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) reached the Spanish port of city of Cartagena. Cartagena is RSV 421's intermediary stop on its journey back to Varna after its participation in the 31st Bulgarian Antarctic expedition on Livingston Island. The Bulgarian ship was met by a local maritime pilot that helped it maneuver through the port's bay and lighthouses to its designated lace in the local naval base, where RSV 421 was docked with the help of port workers. Photo: Konstantin Karagyozov / BTA

Day 109: RSV 421 Reaches Spanish Port City of Cartagena
Cartagena (14.04.2023) Shortly before 1:00 pm central European time on Friday, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) reached the Spanish port of city of Cartagena. Cartagena is RSV 421's intermediary stop on its journey back to Varna after its participation in the 31st Bulgarian Antarctic expedition on Livingston Island. The Bulgarian ship was met by a local maritime pilot that helped it maneuver through the port's bay and lighthouses to its designated lace in the local naval base, where RSV 421 was docked with the help of port workers. Photo: Konstantin Karagyozov / BTA

Day 109: RSV 421 Reaches Spanish Port City of Cartagena
Cartagena (14.04.2023) Shortly before 1:00 pm central European time on Friday, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) reached the Spanish port of city of Cartagena. Cartagena is RSV 421's intermediary stop on its journey back to Varna after its participation in the 31st Bulgarian Antarctic expedition on Livingston Island. The Bulgarian ship was met by a local maritime pilot that helped it maneuver through the port's bay and lighthouses to its designated lace in the local naval base, where RSV 421 was docked with the help of port workers. Photo: Konstantin Karagyozov / BTA

Day 109: RSV 421 Reaches Spanish Port City of Cartagena
Cartagena (14.04.2023) Shortly before 1:00 pm central European time on Friday, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) reached the Spanish port of city of Cartagena. Cartagena is RSV 421's intermediary stop on its journey back to Varna after its participation in the 31st Bulgarian Antarctic expedition on Livingston Island. The Bulgarian ship was met by a local maritime pilot that helped it maneuver through the port's bay and lighthouses to its designated lace in the local naval base, where RSV 421 was docked with the help of port workers. Photo: Konstantin Karagyozov / BTA
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