Day 88: RSV 421 Sails Through Brazil’s Oil Fields

Day 88: RSV 421 Sails Through Brazil’s Oil Fields
At 01:00 hrs nautical time (02:00 hrs EET) the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril I Metodii (RSV 421) was on traverse from Santos, the main port of Brazil’s most populous city Sao Paulo, said Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander Radko Muevski.
The ship was on a a bearing of 42 degrees and a speed of 10 knots sailing in favourable conditions through the oil fields off the coast of Brazil and south of Rio de Janeiro. A large number of FPSO (floating production storage and offloading units), were located in the region, from which offload crude oil to tankers ship to oil refineries across the world.
Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov
At 01:00 hrs nautical time (02:00 hrs EET) the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril I Metodii (RSV 421) was on traverse from Santos, the main port of Brazil’s most populous city Sao Paulo, said Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander Radko Muevski.
The ship was on a a bearing of 42 degrees and a speed of 10 knots sailing in favourable conditions through the oil fields off the coast of Brazil and south of Rio de Janeiro. A large number of FPSO (floating production storage and offloading units), were located in the region, from which offload crude oil to tankers ship to oil refineries across the world.
Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov

Day 88: RSV 421 Sails Through Brazil’s Oil Fields
At 01:00 hrs nautical time (02:00 hrs EET) the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril I Metodii (RSV 421) was on traverse from Santos, the main port of Brazil’s most populous city Sao Paulo, said Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander Radko Muevski.
The ship was on a a bearing of 42 degrees and a speed of 10 knots sailing in favourable conditions through the oil fields off the coast of Brazil and south of Rio de Janeiro. A large number of FPSO (floating production storage and offloading units), were located in the region, from which offload crude oil to tankers ship to oil refineries across the world.
Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov
At 01:00 hrs nautical time (02:00 hrs EET) the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril I Metodii (RSV 421) was on traverse from Santos, the main port of Brazil’s most populous city Sao Paulo, said Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander Radko Muevski.
The ship was on a a bearing of 42 degrees and a speed of 10 knots sailing in favourable conditions through the oil fields off the coast of Brazil and south of Rio de Janeiro. A large number of FPSO (floating production storage and offloading units), were located in the region, from which offload crude oil to tankers ship to oil refineries across the world.
Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov

Day 88: RSV 421 Sails Through Brazil’s Oil Fields
At 01:00 hrs nautical time (02:00 hrs EET) the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril I Metodii (RSV 421) was on traverse from Santos, the main port of Brazil’s most populous city Sao Paulo, said Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander Radko Muevski.
The ship was on a a bearing of 42 degrees and a speed of 10 knots sailing in favourable conditions through the oil fields off the coast of Brazil and south of Rio de Janeiro. A large number of FPSO (floating production storage and offloading units), were located in the region, from which offload crude oil to tankers ship to oil refineries across the world.
Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov
At 01:00 hrs nautical time (02:00 hrs EET) the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril I Metodii (RSV 421) was on traverse from Santos, the main port of Brazil’s most populous city Sao Paulo, said Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander Radko Muevski.
The ship was on a a bearing of 42 degrees and a speed of 10 knots sailing in favourable conditions through the oil fields off the coast of Brazil and south of Rio de Janeiro. A large number of FPSO (floating production storage and offloading units), were located in the region, from which offload crude oil to tankers ship to oil refineries across the world.
Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov
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