site.btaBulgarian Seaside Continues as Top Romanian Tourist Favourite

Bulgarian Seaside Continues as Top Romanian Tourist Favourite
Bulgarian Seaside Continues as Top Romanian Tourist Favourite
The Romanian coast is safe for tourists - official Facebook page of Romanian Ministry of Tourism (Photo: Romanian Tourism Ministry)

After the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam in southern Ukraine rumours of possible bacteria contamination of the Black Sea made Romanian tourists with bookings at Bulgarian resorts turn to travel agencies with questions about the security of their planned holidays. However, Romanian media report there have been no cancellations.

According to Mediafax agency, Romanians continue to book holidays in Bulgaria, with an overall increase compared to the summer of 2022.

The flooding caused by the dam's collapse in Ukraine is bringing with it tons of waste, pesticides and gasoline. Some of these waters will reach the Black Sea, but authorities and experts say there is no cause for alarm, the Romanian branch of Radio Free Europe summarised. 

Marine biologist Rezvan Popescu Mirceni explained that the mouth of the Dnipro River will play the role of a filter, reminding that sand is one of the best filtering materials and will stop much of the gasoline and hydrocarbons before they pour into the sea. According to the expert, the Danube will also play a major role in dispersing the pollutants, as its flow is expected to exceed the average of 6,400 cubic metres per second due to heavy rains in the spring.

In recent days, Romanian media also published the statements of the Ministry of Environment and Water and the Ministry of Tourism in Bulgaria regarding the situation, noting the Bulgarian, Romanian, Ukrainian and Moldovan authorities exchange of information daily regarding the potential pollution of the Black Sea. Romanian Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Radu Oprea, also drew attention to the role of disinformation, adding that he also bore in mind the existence of “I never forget that there is also a hybrid war,” said the minister, quoted by Digi24 TV. He said that the hypothesis of a hybrid war in connection with the rumors of a polluted Romanian coast is also shared by some of the hoteliers, adding that his countrymen have no reason to cancel bookings on the Romanian coast.

Many of them, however, prefer Bulgaria. The country remains among the most preferred seaside destinations because of its proximity, all-inclusive offers, good service, numerous historical and natural landmarks and attractive packages, the Adevarul summarizes. 

The number of Romanian tourists on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast continues to grow, with hoteliers expecting a good season in 2023, judging by bookings around June 1 and Pentecost. Despite the increase in tourism prices, as well as everything else, the Bulgarian coast offers holidays for every pocket, the newspaper said, noting that prices are more affordable than in Greece and Turkey.




By 07:46 on 03.06.2024 Today`s news

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