Day 108: RSV 421 Enters Strait of Gibraltar

Day 108: RSV 421 Enters Strait of Gibraltar
GIBRALTAR (13.04.2023) At 10:25 CET on April 13, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) entered the Strait of Gibraltar in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean towards the Mediterranean Sea, BTA learned from lieutenant commander Radko Muevski. Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov

Day 108: RSV 421 Enters Strait of Gibraltar
GIBRALTAR (13.04.2023) At 10:25 CET on April 13, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) entered the Strait of Gibraltar in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean towards the Mediterranean Sea, BTA learned from lieutenant commander Radko Muevski. Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov

Day 108: RSV 421 Enters Strait of Gibraltar
GIBRALTAR (13.04.2023) At 10:25 CET on April 13, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) entered the Strait of Gibraltar in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean towards the Mediterranean Sea, BTA learned from lieutenant commander Radko Muevski. Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov

Day 108: RSV 421 Enters Strait of Gibraltar
GIBRALTAR (13.04.2023) At 10:25 CET on April 13, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) entered the Strait of Gibraltar in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean towards the Mediterranean Sea, BTA learned from lieutenant commander Radko Muevski. Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov

Day 108: RSV 421 Enters Strait of Gibraltar
GIBRALTAR (13.04.2023) At 10:25 CET on April 13, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) entered the Strait of Gibraltar in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean towards the Mediterranean Sea, BTA learned from lieutenant commander Radko Muevski. Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov

Day 108: RSV 421 Enters Strait of Gibraltar
GIBRALTAR (13.04.2023) At 10:25 CET on April 13, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) entered the Strait of Gibraltar in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean towards the Mediterranean Sea, BTA learned from lieutenant commander Radko Muevski. Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov

Day 108: RSV 421 Enters Strait of Gibraltar
GIBRALTAR (13.04.2023) At 10:25 CET on April 13, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) entered the Strait of Gibraltar in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean towards the Mediterranean Sea, BTA learned from lieutenant commander Radko Muevski. Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov

Day 108: RSV 421 Enters Strait of Gibraltar
GIBRALTAR (13.04.2023) At 10:25 CET on April 13, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) entered the Strait of Gibraltar in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean towards the Mediterranean Sea, BTA learned from lieutenant commander Radko Muevski. Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov

Day 108: RSV 421 Enters Strait of Gibraltar
GIBRALTAR (13.04.2023) At 10:25 CET on April 13, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) entered the Strait of Gibraltar in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean towards the Mediterranean Sea, BTA learned from lieutenant commander Radko Muevski. Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov

Day 108: RSV 421 Enters Strait of Gibraltar
GIBRALTAR (13.04.2023) At 10:25 CET on April 13, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) entered the Strait of Gibraltar in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean towards the Mediterranean Sea, BTA learned from lieutenant commander Radko Muevski. Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov

Day 108: RSV 421 Enters Strait of Gibraltar
GIBRALTAR (13.04.2023) At 10:25 CET on April 13, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) entered the Strait of Gibraltar in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean towards the Mediterranean Sea, BTA learned from lieutenant commander Radko Muevski. Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov

Day 108: RSV 421 Enters Strait of Gibraltar
GIBRALTAR (13.04.2023) At 10:25 CET on April 13, the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) entered the Strait of Gibraltar in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean towards the Mediterranean Sea, BTA learned from lieutenant commander Radko Muevski. Photo: BTA/Konstantin Karagyozov
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