site.btaPresident Plevneliev: Bulgaria Will Have Strong Economic Portfolio in New European Commission

ESD 16:19:30 31-08-2014

President Plevneliev: Bulgaria Will Have
Strong Economic Portfolio in New
European Commission

Brussels, August 31 (BTA) - Emerging from the special European
Council meeting in Brussels late on Saturday night, Bulgarian
President Rosen Plevneliev said, as quoted by his press office
on Sunday, that Bulgaria will have a strong economic portfolio
in the new European Commission. "I wouldn't like to go into
concrete details at the moment, but I can categorically state
that Bulgaria will have a strong economic portfolio in the new
European Commission (EC)," Pleveneliev said.

Bulgaria had put forward the nomination of Kristalina Georgieva,
the commissioner in charge of international cooperation and
crisis response, for the position of the EU foreign policy chief
but the job went Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini.
Poland's Donald Tusk was named President of the European

Plevneliev was adamant that Georgieva's candidacy for the new EC
will be successful because "she is an exceptional European and
a leader with world renown".

Consultation and negotiations with each EU member state about
the new EC will continue until September 7, after which the new
Commission will be announced. MORE




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